Table of Content:
1. Introduction:
2. 10 Amazing Books for Entrepreneurs:
1. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
2. Zero to One By Peter Thiel & Blake Masters
3. Think & Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill
4. Rework By Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson
5. The Lean Startup – Eric Ries
6. The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss
7. Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies by James C. Collins, Jerry I. Porras
8. Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg, Nell Scovell
9. Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
10. The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau
3. Conclusion:

Successful entrepreneurs usually share similar qualities – self-discipline, decision-making skills, straightforward approach towards the problem, consistency, time management, etc.
It is always not necessary to start the business by possessing all these qualities. However, in a short span, one must learn these to see success in their business. There are many ways to learn the high-end attributes of entrepreneurs. You can gain it via your own experience or from reading the experience of others. It is excellent to read the books, understand and implement them in your business.
If you are a startup business looking for good books to read, then here is the list for you.
10 Amazing Books for Entrepreneurs:
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey: This is a self-help book published long back, in 1989. Yet, the ideas given in the book by Stephen Covey are beneficial for entrepreneurs these days. The seven habits listed are – being proactive, beginning things by knowing its end result in the mind, putting first things in the first place, thinking of win-win strategy, early understanding and later to be understood, synergize, and finally sharpen the saw.
Stephen Richards Covey was not only an author, but he was also a successful businessman and a keynote speaker. Earlier, in 1996, Covey was named one among the “25 Most Influential People” given by Times magazine. Stephen says through this book that there are no shortcuts for success. Only through hard work its possible to achieve success. Adding to this, one cannot worry about things that are happening beyond our control—for example, climate changes or people’s opinion about your business, etc. But you can change the things that lay within your reach – your attitude, habits.
The seven habits listed in the book are significant for any entrepreneur to lead a prosperous business.
Zero to One By Peter Thiel & Blake Masters: “Brilliant thinking is rare, but courage is in even shorter supply than genius.”
“Monopoly is the condition of every successful business.”
These are some famous quotes by Peter Thiel. Zero to One book has handy information for startup businesses. By reading this book, the entrepreneurs can learn about selling strategies in business, marketing your product, and planning techniques to develop your trade. He says that entrepreneurs must have a definite vision to raise their business from zero to one. If you have ideas to start a business, then never miss reading this book.
Think & Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill: Do you know that this book was published long back, 1937. But still, the book is considered a masterpiece for entrepreneurs. Nearly 100 million copies of this book have been sold globally. The outline of the “Think and Grow Rich” is, if you want to achieve anything, then think about it deeply in your mind. As the mind is the master of the entire body, it will never stop you from believing and act to achieve success. Through this book, Napoleon Hill says that thoughts and desires will motivate you towards action. You must have faith in yourself, thinking that you can work for action. Think & Grow Rich is one of the must-read books for entrepreneurs.
Rework By Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson: The book teaches several lessons for businesses. Sometimes, entrepreneurs might have felt that they made a mistake in any part of the business – either it may be in marketing or goal setting. And through this book, they can learn to avoid those mistakes henceforth in business. The author says that planning for a very long time is a mere waste of time. Sudden ups and downs in a business is very normal to happen. One has to anticipate it and take relevant precautions for it. Therefore, entrepreneurs must know to be flexible. And “Rework” says that delaying things will also lead you towards failure. Plan and execute it on time. Undoubtedly, Rework gives high-impact training for entrepreneurs.
The Lean Startup – Eric Ries: The lean startup principle is “Lean startup isn’t about being cheap (but is about) being less wasteful and still doing things that are big.” If you plan to start any business – low-investment, large scale business, or online, prepare a business plan that really works. “Planning for a business” seems to be an old boring formula. But certainly, without it – a business can topple to failure. The lean startup also teaches the value of innovation which brings in a new approach towards target customers. The points given in the book were very lucid and objective. Simply following the ideas of “Lean startup” will bring success for startup businesses.
The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss: The three main things that the readers can extract from the book would be,
– One must be effective in resolving problems rather than being efficient as there is a difference between them.
– Secondly, entrepreneurs must spend time to validate all their business ideas. The validation will help them to figure out whether it is significant for their business or not.
– Make your life less complicated to deal with effectively.
Businesses must not think that spending more hours in business will give good results. Instead, the time spent must be more productive. Smart work is always better than hardwork. Everyone would agree that the 4-hour workweek is one of the best books for entrepreneurs.
Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies by James C. Collins, Jerry I. Porras: After six years of research, the author gave practical guidance for companies and startups to do an everlasting business. This book clearly illustrates the timeless qualities that entrepreneurs must possess. The explanation is so precise with real-time examples for better understanding the current business trend. This is one of the business books that entrepreneurs must read from cover to cover. Jerry I.Porras is a professor and well known for writing many other books. The book’s objective is to make the company overcome the competition and last for a long time in the industry.
Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg, Nell Scovell: The book brings revolution among women entrepreneurs. Many highly skilled and talented women leave their job or business and opt to be a homemaker. Every entrepreneur may face failures due to mistakes that happen in business. However, learning from those mistakes is a must. Even if you are not prepared, you must be ready to take up the opportunities when they come your way. Later develop the skills and gain the confidence to do that work successfully. The author explains the success and the likeability.
Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman: Surely, there are many things to learn from the book. This is a book of decision-making. Here I like to list some of the key points from the book. There are two ways of thinking – gut reaction and critical thinking. People usually spend their time in the first one. As many people are really not interested in statistics, they blindly conclude. The other things that you can learn are over-confidence and over-optimism.
The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau: Leading a good life is seeking adventure and trying to solve the purpose of living. The author, at his young age, has travelled to lots of countries. Sometimes, people rewrite the operating rules according to their comfort level. And this actually doesn’t seem right. Hence one must learn to work according to the corporate rules instead of rewriting them. Read and enjoy many other niche things tutored by the author.
It is not enough if you read the books and leave that advice to fly in the air. If you are about to start a business and like to build your skills, then definitely follow the authors’ tips and advice. I hope this list of books will impress the entrepreneurs and motivate them to become industry leaders.
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